Geography – 5 Credits
A one-semester world geography course; offered alternating years.
North Dakota Studies – 5 Credits
A study of the history of North Dakota from colonization to the present time; offered alternating years.
World History – 10 Credits
A survey of world history with a Christian perspective from prehistory to the present.
U.S. History – 10 Credits
This is a study of United States history, from its earliest beginnings to the present time.
Government – 5 Credits
This survey of the structure and function of the U.S. government, beginning with its formation and continuing to modern times, includes reading the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Offered the first semester.
Economics – 5 Credits
This course on the development and structure of the U.S. free enterprise system from the earliest beginnings until modern times includes concepts of personal finances. Offered the second semester.
Topics in U.S. History – 5 Credits
This concentrated semester-long independent study of selected periods within U.S. history focuses primarily upon pivotal times and events.