Financial Information

Tuition & Fees

On-Campus Living

  • Application/Re-Enrollment fee (non-refundable) — $100
  • Tuition — $12,650
  • Room & Board — $5,300

Commuting Student

  • Application/Re-Enrollment fee (non-refundable) — $100

  • Tuition — $12,650

  • Room Rental option – $500

  • Negotiable meal plans available

An enrollment fee (part of the overall tuition) of $750 is due no later than registration day. However, if a prepayment of $500 is made by the 1st of August, there is a $100 discount. This means that if you prepaid the $500 by August first, then only $150 will be due on registration day. Scholarships do not apply to the application or enrollment fee but can be credited to the next month’s tuition. 

Additional fees may apply for electives or group activities. Team sports participation, $200 per sport. Intramural sports are at no cost.
Various payment plans are available. Please consult with the Business Office for details. Call 701-258-9000 Extension 212 or email your questions.

Financial Aid

Dakota Adventist Academy offers resources to help students and their families.  We have several programs that do require the student to show financial need.  We also have options that do not require applying for financial aid.  Our programs include:


  • Local church sponsorship with option of matching funds

  • Private sponsorship

  • Worthy Student Funding using TADS (this is income-based).  For step by step instructions see the 2024-25 TADS How to Apply for FA.  There is a $60 application fee.  Applicants who are awarded financial aid will see the application fee as a credit on the student’s statement.

  • Recruitment of a new student. DAA offers up to $1000 reward on for the successful recruitment of a new student by a current student/family 

  • Work study program.  Students are offered the opportunity to work on campus to help with expenses.

For more information or a confidential conversation, please contact us by email or call 701-258-9000 


Tuition Payment

Various payment plans are available. Please consult with the Business Office for details by calling 701-258-9000 or email your questions to

Payments may be made through the website or by calling the Business Office.